Monday, January 6, 2014

New Years Resolutions

I have never actually made a new years resolution and stuck to it. I think in the past I have always made ones that are not tangible such as never eating fast food again or always keeping my room clean. Let's be honest, I am going to eat McDonald's again and I will leave my clothes on the floor. I am only human. So this time I want to make a list of things that are tangible.

1. Keep up with my Blog
I have never really done a blog or a journal of any form. Lately I have so many thoughts going through my head I hope I can finally put things down on paper. I also feel like I am experiencing many firsts so it will be fun to share them and jot down how I felt while it was happening.

2. Be More Girly
Now lets just say my definition of girly and your definition of girly is most likely different. I don't want to do my nails more and exfoliate my skin. I just want to wake up put on something other than sweat pants every day, do my hair (and by do I mean straighten), and put on some makeup. I feel like I have gotten in the grove of wearing sweats all day with no makeup and hair pulled back. Who do I have to impress?  Again I am human and will slack some days so I am saying I will do this at least four times a week. Which seems like a lot to me but I will try.

3. Have More Self Confidence
Hopefully my last resolution will help me with this one. My biggest weakness is my self confidence. I know I am a successful person but I think I have this look on the world like everyone is scrutinizing me and watching to see if I mess up. This makes me less confident in everything I do. Did I do that correctly? Did someone just see me mess up? I wouldn't go as far as calling me a perfectionist but I may be close. 

4. Learn How to Make More Meals
I have officially been living on my own for a year as of January 2nd. I was excited to start making my own meals and being a big girl. Now I feel like I have made the same meals over and over and over again. I want something new! The only challenge is that my boyfriend is the pickiest person alive. I dare you to challenge me on that. He doesn't even like mac and cheese. Who doesn't like mac and cheese? Anyway before I go on a rant with that, it is hard to make a meal for just myself. I hope that after making all these meals he will start to like some of them so I will just have to take my chances. Pinterest will be my friend with this resolution. I have found a couple meals I want to try now I just have to get the motivation to try them. I think I will say I want to try one to two new meals a month. Seems like not that much but with my busy schedule it will have to do.

5. Stick to my Budget
I use to be good at this one. However, after my mom died a lot more expenses came my way and I started to just let go of my money. YOLO, right? I do not want to go completely back to my strict budget but maybe adjust it to give myself wiggle room and then stick to that.

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