About Me

Welcome! My name is Anna. I have been married for over a year ago on August 29th, 2015. We wasted no time after the wedding and moved from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Dallas, Texas less than a month later. I currently hold a position as a nurse at Baylor Scott and White Hospital in the heart of Dallas while my husband finishes his degree in IT at University of Texas Arlington.

I have two older sisters who are my inspiration: Erica and Alecia. Alecia is currently living near Dallas with her husband Richard while Erica lives in Minnesota with her husband, Tyler; her son, Deacon; and her daughter, Brynlee. My dad, David, and his wife, Michelle, are also back in Minnesota also.

Pictured Left to Right: Dad, Michelle, Richard, Alecia, Jason, Me, Erica, Deacon, Tyler, Brynlee.

You may be wondering where my mom is. On July 11, 2013 she passed away in a motorcycle accident. I took me a very long time to bounce back from that, but life will definitely never be the same with out her.

I may not have a lot of friends but the ones I do have I hold dear to my heart. These girls are amazing and I never want to lose touch with any of them!

And we cant forget about my little Sequoia. She is my crazy, three year old, husky. She is the most spoiled rotten dog I know and I have my husband to blame for that (and I guess me too). But look how cute? How can you not spoil her?

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