Friday, January 10, 2014

Fun-day Friday

After working seven days in a row I figured it was time for a fun-day. So Jason and I planned on going to go to Dave and Busters which is similar to Chuck-E-Cheese but it is for adults. However, the closest one was an hour away and we did not feel like driving that far. Instead we decided to go to a smaller arcade at the Mall of America since Jason has been needing to buy himself earrings anyway. After we got the earrings we decided to get some Jamba Juice and Chipotle.


Now that our stomaches were full, we headed off to the arcade where we played a bunch of different games. I beat Jason in all of them (no surprise there). So here are some pictures of his defeat in air hockey and basketball.

Whenever we go to an arcade we always play the game of deal or no deal. In our first game, I picked out our case and we got down to either winning 6 tickets or 400 tickets. We ended up wining the 400 tickets!

Jason picked the case for the next game and we got 200 tickets. Which was still a lot more then we usually get but that means I still beat him right? But we figured that was the end of our luck so we moved on to the next games.

While we were playing other games, I got a phone call saying that my dad's dogs were running around, so we had to quickly leave otherwise they were going to call animal control. We were not able to buy anything with our tickets but we ended up leaving with 1,074 tickets. That is just an excuse to go back and play again!

On the plus side I got to go to my dads house and meet the new puppies for the first time. It just makes me want a dog even more! Unfortunately, Jason is allergic so right now dogs are out of the question, but I hope to one day try out those allergy dog shots on him so we can eventually get one. I just have to be patient I guess.

Other then that we will just spend the rest of the evening lounging around the house like normal. It may not have been the most exciting day but it was a day away from work and out of the house which is something I always enjoy!

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