Saturday, January 9, 2016

Puzzle Master

The next thing on my 101 things to do is doing a puzzle. I have always loved doing puzzles. I had two 1,000 piece puzzles I loved to do as a kid: 101 Dalmatians and The Little Mermaid. I did them over and over again to the point where I knew where each piece was suppose to go. We had a dinning room table that we never really used where I would set up my puzzles, put on some music, and do my puzzle until bed time. 

A little over a year ago I started doing puzzles again. I went through a hard time where I failed at something I worked really hard on. I did an 1,000 piece puzzle in a day and a half to distract myself. It actually worked out pretty well and I started doing puzzles again for fun not just to cope. I bought a couple puzzles off amazon, however, with planning the wedding and working a full time job , I got busy and was not able to do them all. I added doing a puzzle to the list so I would be able to finish this puzzle I have been wanting to do for a while now.

Below is the last days work, when I was determined to finish.

 Jason helped a little bit. He found the last of the edges and is proud to have done the pink flowers on the bottom left. It took me about 3 solid days to finish this puzzle. I really enjoy doing puzzles but it is time consuming. I can not just see the puzzle sitting there undone and come back to it every once in a while. I need to sit down and do it whenever I am home so I neglect other things I should probably be doing instead. I haven't decided if I am going to glue it together or put it back in the box. For now it is something pretty to look at.

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