Saturday, November 7, 2015


The first thing I get to cross off on my 101 things to do in 1001 days is donating my hair. I have wanted my hair to be long for a while now because other people make it look so elegant. Once my hair got long enough I felt like it was just a big mess that could no longer be tamed. I dealt with it a little while longer because I wanted my hair long for the wedding. However, I ended up wearing my hair up for the wedding anyway. It was the longest my hair has ever been and I knew it would be plenty to donate and also have enough left that I wouldn't cry after I cut it (and I haven't cried yet). And I think this is the shortest I have ever had my hair too. I have come close to this length before but it has been at least 5 years.


In one day I have gone from liking my haircut, to missing my old hair, to loving my new haircut (and now looking at the picture, I miss it again). It is a little bit of an adjustment when you put your hair in a pony tail and its just a little stub of hair rather than a long ponytail that keeps whacking you in the face. With the expression on Jason's face below I would say he likes it too?

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