Thursday, December 17, 2015

Archery: Legolas vs Katniss

Since the Hunger Games just came out it only seemed fitting to go to an archery range and do some shooting ourselves. We also just finished watching the series Lord of the Rings with the archer, Legolas, so we were looking forward to being just these characters. I found a Groupon online to an archery range close by so we decided it would be something fun to do.

It was a little intimidating at first since neither of us have shot an arrow before, we knew we would make fools of ourselves but thats part of the fun of learning, right? We got our bow and arrows and the worker there gave us a small lesson on how to shoot the arrows and then we were on our own.

Of course we competed with each other, its just our nature. We both won some battles but Jason unfortunately won the war. I think I was more precise while he was more accurate (which convinces me that maybe I won in a sense), but I admit to my defeat. Legolas wins.
My Target
Jason's Target
We went outside for a bit to shoot at a longer range, which was not as much fun since it was more shooting then aiming since the targets were a lot farther. Maybe one day we will be more advanced. Overall, I thought it was worth it. Probably not something we would do often but maybe sometime in the future again if we feel like it.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Dinner and a Movie

On Saturday, I went to a dinner and a movie which is apart of my 101 things to do in 1001 days. I went with my husband, my sister, her husband, and her husbands friend. The movie was the last and final Hunger Games: Mocking Jay part 2. I have always wanted to go to a movie theatre that also serves food other than just popcorn and treats. For some reason this is not very popular in Minnesota (at least I think) and Texas seems to have a bunch. It is set up the same as a normal movie theatre but they add a thin table in front of the chairs that runs the length of the row. We went early to look over the menu before the movie began. It took us a while to choose but in the end we got a pepperoni pizza and fries to share. I wasn't expecting that great of food but it was actually really good.

The movie it self was pretty good. I have read all the books and watched the first three movies prior to watching this last movie. The movie followed the book almost perfectly. However since it was the second half of the last book the end of the movie seemed to be drawn out. Otherwise it was an action filled love story which are the best kind of movies.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


The first thing I get to cross off on my 101 things to do in 1001 days is donating my hair. I have wanted my hair to be long for a while now because other people make it look so elegant. Once my hair got long enough I felt like it was just a big mess that could no longer be tamed. I dealt with it a little while longer because I wanted my hair long for the wedding. However, I ended up wearing my hair up for the wedding anyway. It was the longest my hair has ever been and I knew it would be plenty to donate and also have enough left that I wouldn't cry after I cut it (and I haven't cried yet). And I think this is the shortest I have ever had my hair too. I have come close to this length before but it has been at least 5 years.


In one day I have gone from liking my haircut, to missing my old hair, to loving my new haircut (and now looking at the picture, I miss it again). It is a little bit of an adjustment when you put your hair in a pony tail and its just a little stub of hair rather than a long ponytail that keeps whacking you in the face. With the expression on Jason's face below I would say he likes it too?