Monday, February 10, 2014

Car Problems or a Lucky Break?

I have had a 1999 Toyota Corolla for many years. After my mom died we decided that I would get her 2012 Hyundai Elantra. We looked the car up on Kelly Blue Book and the car was worth around $6,000. I paid both my sisters $2,000 since we were splitting everything into thirds. Obviously we can not split up the car so I just paid my sisters their share. Why was a 2012 only work $6,000? Well as many of you know my mom's job was in home health care as a Physical Therapist. The main part of her job was driving to and from patient's houses. She easily put 3,000 miles a month on her car. So the car had lots of miles stacked up.

One month ago, on January 10th, my dad pointed out that my car was making a funny ticking noise. I heard it before but I thought it was just from the cold since it started when we had the low temperatures of -30 to -50. I also hate dealing with car problems because it always turns out to be so much money to fix it. So I brought it to my dad's friend who fixes cars and he said that it sounded like a serious problem so I should go get checked further. On a side note I had an awkward moment where I said, "It use to be my moms car" and he said, "Do you or your mom drive the car"... "Umm.... me". I hate those awkward moments where you don't know if you should tell them, "My mom died" or if you should just ignore the comment so you don't have to go through the whole, "Aw I'm sorry" thing again.

Anyway, my dad remembered that Hyundai offers warranty on their cars that are under 100K miles and have not switched ownership. Luckily, the car only had 95K miles but since the original owner was my mom they made an exception due to the circumstances. I barely made the cut. However, when they checked it out they said they found parts of the piston rod in the oil, which meant there was severe damage to the engine. Basically the car needed a whole new engine. The only problem was they needed all the oil changes for the car to make sure maintenance was kept up, otherwise the warranty was not going to cover it. Alright, sweet, my mom only moved to three different cities within the time she had her car, not to mention she was a traveling employee so she could have gotten oil changes anywhere in the twin cites... This should be no problem, right?

So the quest began.  I started calling her credit card companies to see if they had any transactions that would tell me where she may have gotten an oil change. No luck there. Then I just started calling all of the oil change companies within the cities she lived. Luckily, Hutchinson and Glencoe are small cities, so I found one place right away that had did her oil changes up until 60K miles. Alright, just 35K more to go. Unfortunately, I started calling places around Glencoe and they told me they do not have computers to look up if she had gotten an oil change there. Come on guys we are in the 21st century, get with the program. With one place, I asked if my mom, Denise Sames, had gotten an oil change there. Without even looking anything up he said "yes". I said "Umm not today, in the past". And he goes "Ooo... No". Well that was an awkward phone call.

Well super dad jumped in and said he would take care of Hyundai with the oil changes. The next thing I know he came back to me and said, "They will do the car and they don't even want to see the oil changes you found". My first thought was that he threatened them somehow. My dad can get pretty scary if you make him mad, so I am pretty sure he said something that scared them. He claims he didn't but I don't believe him!

Luckily, I still had my Toyota that Jason is using while his Mazda RX8 is stored for the winter. It was a little difficult coordinating our schedules. Sometimes he had to drop me up and pick me up from work or the bus station. Since Hyundai was waiting for a new engine and it was taking longer than expected they gave me a 2014 Hyundai Elantra. The only difference was heated seats and a back up camera; but boy were those seats nice.

Finally after one month I have a brand new engine in my car at no cost! So after all that do you call that a problem or luck?

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