Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fed Up

"Sugar is 8x more addictive than cocaine."

"More people die from obesity than starvation.”

"This is the first generation American children are expected to live shorter lives than their parents.”

Those are just a couple of key points from this documentary that made me stop and think. I watched this documentary about 6 months ago and right away knew I wanted to watch it again. There is so much information in this movie that it is hard to absorb it in one take.

We all know obesity is a problem. It is something that is talked about so often, I feel like it gets exhausted and people start turning away because it's so repetitive. This documentary is different and talks about points that I had not heard before. It talks about the myths of "eat less , exercise more" and "a calorie in vs. a calorie out". Instead it talks about the direct impact of carbs and most importantly sugar.

An interesting part of the movie was when they talked about "TOFI", which stands for thin on the outside, fat on the inside. Even though someone may look skinny, they could still be just as unhealthy as someone who is obese. It all depends on what you eat and how much sugar intake you consume.

The scariest part was learning about how the government has tried to correct the issue, but they are limited by the power of the food companies. The food companies have so much money and power over the industry that they can do whatever they want. When ever the government tries to do something in order to help the obesity epidemic, the food companies lash out and say "why should the government be involved in our personal lives". People then agree with the food companies, which takes away any power that the government has on resolving some of these issues. Also, some companies that are invested in weight lose or even health insurance companies buy stocks in fast food restaurants. Why? Because it makes sure that they still have costumers.

Click Here to watch Fed Up

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