Monday, February 15, 2016

Fast Food and Restaurants Not Aloud

The next thing I decided to conquer on my 101 things to do is not go out to eat for a month. I made my husband do this with me as well. We decided to start on January 1st. Seems fitting for the new year right? Well I actually wanted to start this day because Jason and I had gone home to Minnesota at the end of December and we went out to eat ALOT while we were there. It's just hard to have home cooked meals when you don't have your own home to cook it in. In other words, we were pretty sick of eating out so we figured it wouldn't be too hard to do after that trip, and we do not eat out that much in general anyway.

The first 10 days went by smoothly and I was not tempted at all until we decided to go to the gym with my sister and her husband on a Saturday morning. We really do not get to see each other very often since they work during the week and I work most weekends. They asked if we wanted to get breakfast after. I stood strong and said we couldn't. However my husband made me cave by saying this isn't something that comes up very often, so we went to The Original Pancake House for breakfast. Yes it was very good and possibly worth it. 

So now we had to start our month all over again. Now that we had that sweet taste of freedom it made the rest of the month a lot harder. I felt like I kept looking at the date thinking "It has only been five days!" or "We still have two and a half weeks left!"

Since we were not able to eat out I figured I would knock something else off my list. I tried to make my own pizza. Not the best, but I think I would like to continue to try until I find a good recipe. The first One I Made had a Bisquick crust which was too doughy for me. So I decided to try cauliflower pizza. That one was not as bad but still not something I would make again.

Here is the link for the first recipe: Bisquick Pizza

Here is the link for the second recipe:  Cauliflower Pizza. I think this one could have been better if there was a little more crunch to it. I think I just didn't know how to dry the cauliflower effectively after I boiled it.

I did really like this experience of not eating out for a month. You don't realize how much your life revolves around food until you can not eat out. First, you have to have a home cooked meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner which gets tiring. Second, if you want to go out and so something for the day you have to make sure it is not around a meal time because you can not just grab a bite while you are out. On the plus side, I felt healthier during that month since I was forced to eat at home which usually ends up being healthier meals. There are pros and cons to everything.